Sunday, February 13, 2011

When life throws you on your knees

A couple of weeks ago, our daughter K disobeyed, and I was devistated. Both my husband and I were. It caught us off-guard, and I was in tears, at a loss as to how to handle the situation. I collapsed on the floor and rested against the couch.

On my knees.

And I realized, this is what has been missing.

I pray for my kids, occasionally, but most days, I think I can do it on my own. I know how to be a parent. I've read the books and have been to seminars. I have my "techniques" down perfectly, and I can share them with others.

But when it comes down to it, I realized again that I can't do it on my own. I am an imperfect human being who will mess up. I will fail them. I will be inconsistent. I will lose my temper. I will give bad advice.

What I need to teach her is what I've not been doing myself. I need to teach her to not try to be good on her own strength, because she can't. None of us can.

So I repented there on my knees, of trying to do it on my own, and my husband and I prayed for her. I am embarrased to admit that our time spent on our knees together for our children has been very limited.

Then I repented to her, and I asked for forgiveness for not setting a good example of relying on God's strength.

How many times I do I tell my kids, "Jammies, Teeth, and Bed" when I'm tired? Then after a quick blanket prayer for everyone, I rush out of the room and move on to more important things... like Facebook.

Well since that night, my habits are starting to change. I want to spend those precious, quiet moments praying over them. It's a perfect time to seek out God's help for each of their lives. As they hear me talk to God on their behalf, I pray they'll be strengthened and grow to love and depend on Him more.

Practically speaking, I even posted a page of verses in the bathroom for me to read through as I'm getting ready in the morning. It is a plain reminder that I need Jesus's help in every area of my life, and my kids do too.

I have seasons of prayer and seasons where I lack. Do you go through this too? How do you stay consistent in relying on God's power? Coasting isn't an option... we need to be seeking His daily bread -- well -- daily.

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