Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I have laryngitis - again. I had it just over a month ago. Usually I may get it once/season, but twice in one summer? Ugh. It's especially frustrating for one who likes to talk as much as I do.

It's Vacation Bible School this week at our church too. The good part is that others who are on my team are doing amazing and taking charge and going for it! I guess if I had my voice, they wouldn't have this opportunity, because I'd be doing it. Not that it is the reason I lost my voice, but probably a good side-effect...

Anyway, so I've been sitting a lot in silence but my brain is going 24-7. It's amazing how that works, isn't it? It will make me think differently of quiet people - are their brains as noisy as mine? For those quiet people out there reading - I'd love to know.

What causes some to be so quiet and others, like me, to talk so much? I don't realize how much I talk until I can't. Car rides with my family when I can't talk are like a tomb. Dinner table conversation fizzles. So maybe I'm the only one with this need to gab? Maybe others are comfortable enjoying the passing landscape in peace and I interrupt with my endless chatter?

Good questions to ask - maybe when I have my voice back I'll ask all these questions, and continue to do my role in the universe of filling the space between the words.


Lori said...

In answer to your quiet people question, (since you apparently think I'm your only reader), you are asking the wrong person...we all know, quiet I am not! However, I do have a very noisy brain...it just runs at a much slower speed than yours does:) I totally agree with your comment about your vbs team (me!) being forced to particapate more (due to your unusual quietness) being a good side effect! I'm having a blast, mistakes and all!!! Although I was really looking forward to seeing you in action (at full speed) with the kids all week:( Maybe tomorrow...

Stephanie B said...

As a semi-quiet person (and one who has many quiet friends), I think it can be that their brains are also full of ideas. However, much of it can be that the quiet person is observing... watching... absorbing. Sometimes quiet people can be decent judges of character (not pushing the boundaries of judgmental-ness, though), simply because they watch how people interact, listen to what they say, and end up having a knack for kind of "figuring people out." Anyway, glad you had a great week at VBS, and that your voice is back now. See you at small group next week. ~Stephanie