Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Paul Tripp's Tweets

I recently cleaned up my Twitter feed. I'm no longer following over 1000 people. I now follow only 118. This was a huge accomplishment, and now my feed is filled with inspirational quotes, with an occasional sports reference thrown in now and then that I ignore.

I had to share a few by author Paul Tripp. (@PaulTripp)  He did a series for a few days on how our sins preach to us a false gospel.

Grab a cup of coffee and take your time through these. They are definitely more meaty than your average tweet.

False Gospel by Paul Tripp
  • Does envy preach to you a false gospel that tells you that God hasn't been as faithful and good to you as he's been to others?
  • Does legalism preach to you a false gospel of performance that seeks security in what you do rather than what Christ has done for you?
  • Does impatience preach to you a false gospel of urgency that keeps you from the blessing of resting in God's perfect timing?
  • Does selfishness preach to you a false gospel of entitlement that causes you to turn blessings into demands?
  • Does discouragement preach to you a false gospel that forgets that your future has already been written into the pages of God's book?
  • Does idolatry preach to you a false gospel that looks to something in the creation for what the Messiah alone can give?
  • Does vengeance preach to you a false gospel that focuses more on what someone did to you than on what God did for you?
  • Does bitterness preach to you a false gospel of God's injustice, telling you that others have been given what you deserve?
  • Does pride preach to you a false gospel of self-righteousness that keeps you from seeking the grace you so desperately need?
  • Does doubt preach to you a false gospel of timidity that robs you of your courage and causes you to question what is secure in Christ?
  • Does pride preach to you a false gospel that tells you you're righteous and able on your own, not needing God's forgiving, enabling grace?
  • Does fear preach to you a false gospel that tells you you're alone and left to the resources of your own wisdom and strength?

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