Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What's on your bookshelf?

Jon Acuff just wrote a blog about the books on his bookshelf, so I thought I'd steal his idea. (One of his books is on my shelf, so I figured it would be okay!) I will confess that my books are not always this tidy--I took a moment to straighten them for the picture. This is the shelf where the books I'm reading or hope to read go. 

- A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers.  Best book I've read all year! This is the account of five women in the line of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Bathsheeba, Ruth, and Mary. I finished it this weekend. Every page was a delightful inspiration! It takes the Bible stories you've heard before and brings them to life. The characters jump off the page, while I believe staying true to the intent of the Bible. I was inspired about God's love and grace to sinners like us. His grace covers ALL our sins! This was especially fascinating to read leading up to Easter. Five stars!

- Duncan's Journey: A Little Lamb's Adventure Through the Twenty-Third Psalm by me, Becky Emerick. Honestly, this was on my shelf.  (It's actually all over the house!) This is a devotional read-aloud for younger children, or an independent reader for school-aged kids, that teaches the Psalm verse by verse through the life of a lamb named Duncan. It would make a great Easter present!

- The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer. I started reading a little of this each week, and every chapter is a gem. I haven't finished it, but I plan to. 

- Journal. It's not surprising that a journal is on my shelf. I have journals on every shelf. I've blogged about it before.  How to spot a writer.  Fellow writers - do you have little bits of things written all over your house?

- Scandalous by DA Carson. I haven't read it yet, but it was the key book at Think|11, a theological conference at our church where DA Carson was the key speaker. It was an excellent conference! You can listen to it here.

- Radical by David Platt. I've read eight of the nine chapters. I think I'll finish it this afternoon. Our church recommended it last fall. It looks at the way we normally think about life and shakes it up.

- Gazelles, Baby Steps, and 37 Other Things Dave Ramsey Taught Me About Debt by Jon Acuff. I bought this because I'm such a huge Stuff Christians Like fan. I've read bits and pieces. It's more of a coffee table book or a Reader's Digest that you pick up and read when you want a chuckle. (Dare I say a bathroom book?) My favorite chapter so far: "Bridesmaid Dresses: The Cruelest Thing Women Do to Each Other." For the record, my Bridesmaid Dresses weren't all that hot, though I thought they would be. Sorry about that!

- 40 Fascinating Conversion Stories by Samuel Fisk. I picked this up out of a box marked "FREE." I thought it would be interesting, but I haven't read a page. I'll let you know when I do.

- Surrender by me again. Have you read it yet? Everyonce in a while I pick it up and read a different chapter. I really miss the characters! They became a huge part of my life last summer. It's sort of how I still wonder how Sidney Bristow and Michael Vahn are faring in their retired spy life.

You can get it as an e-book or as a real-live book, which I prefer. This is the story of a young girl growing up in the early 1800s who learns that to truly find freedom, she must surrender her life to the One who will never leave her or forsake her. Read what others are saying about Surrender!

My funniest comment so far from someone at church:

"I read your book. I didn't expect to like it, 
since I know you and everything,
but I really did. I was surprised. 
I couldn't put it down. It was really good!"  

Honestly, I didn't know how to respond. How would you have responded? I said a weak thank you and changed the subject.


So, that's what's on my personal shelf! Of course it doesn't include any books up on my headboard or the books I'm reading the kids or the books I'm reading for counseling. Not enough hours in the day to read!

So, what's on your book shelf?


Ruth said...

I have finally made it to your blog! I've wanted to, really! But time, time... So it's 11:42pm and no one is interrupting me. I LOVE Tozer! Pursuit of God was one of my first Christian books. I've reread it a few times. I'm very interested in the book about conversions. I like Carson's book about prayer but haven't heard of this one. Congratulations many times over on your books. How exciting! I'm absolutely sure I would love them because I know you! :) (Had to insert that--not sure how I would have responded to that person either. Uh, thanks... I think.) And you had Francine Rivers there too. I have read some of her series. Just got out Redeeming Love b/c Andi recommended it. Lydia has already read it and I haven't cracked it open. Should she be reading that?

Ruth said...

By the way, I like your blog background. very cute!