Thursday, May 27, 2010

Temporary Home

Our family recently had the privilege of having two extra girls in our home for a couple of months through Safe Families. It was an amazing experience! 6 year old T and 4 year old H moved into the guest room. Their mom had recently had a baby and was looking for a new home. While with us, we learned so many amazing lessons:

1.) I learned to value my own children. Though it was fun having two extra children in the house, I realized that having "only" four kids is so much simpler! They understand our routine, can entertain themselves, and give me some time to do creative things I love - like blogging! So now that the other girls are gone, you'll hear a lot less complaining out of me.
2.) My children learned to value what they have. Being faced with praying for two little girls who didn't have a home was a reality check to the blessings we are surrounded by daily.
3.) We all learned to be a little less selfish. Anytime you have to go out of your way to share - your time, money, toys, food - it stretches you. We were stretched, but we're better for it.

Not to mention the amount of help it gave to the family we housed. I was able to give some one-on-one tutoring time with T to catch her up on her reading level. We were a safe place for them to go when they had no other options. We also developed a relationship and were able to help with housing and the move.

When it was time for the girls to leave, T said, "I know why I don't want to leave you guys. You teach me about Jesus!" Precious!

It was a perspective-changing situation for our family. Please consider looking into it, or at least having a conversation about it. What is simply a week or a month in the life of your family means the world to someone in need.

This music video is awesome... Enjoy!

Cutest Blog on the Block

Hi! I just found out about from my friend Katie's Site.

Oh, this is so fun! I think just the look of it will encourage me to blog more!

If you're reading this on face book, you have to click to see the actual site. So fun!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bible Study for Kids

A friend recently asked for structured Bible Study ideas for kids aged 4-6. I thought I'd share my answer here.

Bible Story time is my favorite part of our day! We've done a variety of things, but here are a few "structured" books that come to mind:

1. Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schoolland.\

My parents used this with my brother and I, and I read it to my own children. I
hope to re-read it in a couple of years to catch my 2 youngest in it. It's
excellent theology in simple terms. I read it when I had a 6 & 4 year old.

2. Child's Character Building Book, Vol 1 & 2.\

I went through most of these with our kids after we finished Leading Little
Ones. It's nice and simple, with stories that they can follow and participate

3. Character Building for Families\

This is what I am using now. My nine & almost seven year old get the most out
of it, but I'm amazed at how my 4 year old participates. It doesn't have the
"fun" aspect that the younger kid devotionals have, but it's a nice "next
level." Longer Bible reading and more complex questions.

4. Day by Day Devotions by Ken Sande\

Next Fall, I'm considering using this. My friend Robin likes it a lot. I also
like the activities it suggests at the end of each chapter.

5. Many would encourage you to read the Bible to them! We usually are studying
and memorizing a long passage of scripture. Try memorizing with them Psalm 1,
Psalm 23, or the Fruit of the Spirit. Just add a little every day. You'll be
amazed at what long passages they can retain! (It's good motivation for you too...) Be sure to add hand motions!

Most of all - HAVE FUN. If you love Jesus and love spending time with Him, then
it will show when you lead them in the study of His word.


Becky E

PS - I recently wrote a devotional through the 23rd Psalm that is being
published and will be released (hopefully) 1st Q Next year... Keep your eyes
open! :) (Selfish Plug...)